Monday, April 14, 2014

MON JARDIN AU QUEBEC GARDEN My inventory Mon inventaire part #1

I film my entire garden for inventory purposes and film those who come and again and for those who come and steal my flowers; I installed cameras now.

Also for the resale of your house this is an investment. A plant that you plant today in 10 years from now is worth a lot if you keep them well separate them and make sure they are healthy.

Inventaire filmé car méfiez-vous des voleurs ou des destructeurs de jardin. De plus pour la revente de votre demeure cela est un investissement. 
Une plante que vous avez plantez il y a 10 ans vaut son pesant d'or maintenant.

Part #1

work in progress here
make sure you film everything in your garden because people come and steal your flowers or savage it. Also for the resale of your house this is a plus value to it so keep all the recipe. A plant that you planted 10 years ago its worth a lot of money now.


Travail en cours.
Assurez-vous de tout filmer dans votre jardin car il y a des gens qui viennent détruire vos travaux ou qui pillent vos fleurs et assurez-vous d'avoir des caméras pour les filmés.


coté court coté jardin

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