Saturday, September 13, 2014

JOUR 57 Mon jardin au Quebec garden- September garden blooming at its best- Floraison en Septembre


Sorry I was sick
Sorry I am sick.
Sorry I'm still sick.

Little walk to my garden with my dog every day helps me getting well however this being said yesterday, I realized, I have miss a lot of the fall flowers.

So, on my second walk,  I decided to bring my camera for a flower shoot while my poor dog get a bit of exercise, poor her, she has been on my side like the best nurse ever.

Since the  3rd of September, I came back from Paris, hit the bed and hardly moved from there, beside going to the bed or the coutch.

So, this being said, my dahlia in September: Yes

It just started to bloom because I planted it very late but what a great idea it turn out I have pink flowers all over the place and these stars of the garden is right in the middle of it.


I definetely like this echinacea with the brown stemp it makes it more great to look at.

 really like this picture

the texture of this dahlia is a beauty 

                                                                  magnificient phlox

                                       chelone is the same colour of the dahlia amazing touch

                                             these sedums are just starting they will sparkle

                                             I love this picture with the lenght of the trees

                                                                             white phlox

Even tho the ecchinacea have lost their bright colour they are still nice companion for this fall garden

I know out of focus but just to show you they are still blooming  expensive but long lasting season for the echinacea

Finallly having a chance to play outside poor Starlett

Lost in the middle of this flowered  forest.

Impatience de l hymalaya

I have notice this time in 2014 that i have only 1/4 of bees buzzing around those flowers this year same as the apples the wasp are hardly there to get drunk on the apples lucky for Starlett but worry for what will happen to our passion: Gardening and most of it for food supply without them we better find another way to eat.

On aperçoit tres loin sur le terrain la touffe de ses jolies fleurs qui éclairent une partie ombragée du jardin.



                              encore des digitalis incroyable la floraison est tres longue

                                               Chelone retransplanté cette année

incroyable tempête de vent avait fait tomber le plant de dahlias mais elle a tenu bon


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