Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Je traduirai plus tard désolée!



I just step out in the garden
came back from Ethiopia (meaning the last flower) or is it Addis Abba ...

and if I recall  Monday the second, there was snow on the ground, so I felt confident to leave my garden for a week. First week of May. I left on the 3rd it was still cold out there.

I have been flying away since I came back
3 overseas in 10 days.

Too much
Ethiopia was worth it so beautiful lush and surrounded by beautiful nature and people.

Ok back to reality here.

Situation: Alert level here in the Laurentians
too dry
too dry
too dry

got to work the ground around
get on your knees

Tomorrow a must on your list

Today too busy with laundry and all, trying to recuparate
jet lag effect,way too much
I went to see around


there are more dandelions then tulips
snif snif

we have a raise of price
a cut on size in everything we buy
and now hardly any bulbs worth showing here
is it the fault of the snow
the heavy heat wave reaching 84 on may 24
or the merchant ripping us off

I dont know all I know is
I was tired of rain clouds and cold ( needed some sun so I got away and now this
but this is too much for the beginning of the season not good at all
so be on alert!
water the plant tomorrow morning and hope for the best

Je viens de sortir dehors dans le jardin
J'arrive de l'Éthiopie ( la derniere fleur ) ...
et si je me souviens Lundi avant mon depart il y avait de la neige au sol alors je suis partie confiante de quitter mon jardin pour la semaine.
premeire semaine du mois de mai
Je usis partie le 3
il faisait encore froid.
Je n ai pas arretée de voler depuis 3 outre mer en 10 jours

Ethiopie en valait le coup cest tellemetn beau et la nature est luxuriante et les gens tres sympathiques

Ok retour a la realité ici

Situation: Alerte dnas les Laurentides
trop sec
trop sec
trop sec

aller travailler le sol
sur vos genoux jardiniers jardinieres
Demain tache a faire absolument

AUjourd hui trop occupée avec le lavage et totu recuperage de decallage horaire trop c est comme pas assez
je usis sortie pour observer le tout
desastre total

1 fleur par batch de 50 tulipes pas tres bon
comment se faire avoir
il y a plus de pissenlits que de tulipes

soudainement on a augmenter les prix
il y a eu des coupures sur tout ce que l on achetait
et maintenant les bulbes
est ce la faute de la neige
la hausse de chaleur 84 le 24 de may
les marchands nous on crosser
je ne sais pas
j etais tellemtn tannée de la pluis des nuages gris (alors ja vais besoin de soleil donc je usis partie au debut de la saison pas une bonne ideee finalement
on va devoir arrosé memem si je susi contre cette action mais la
ils faut les aider un peu
elles nont pas eu d ajustement



tulip dying of thirst
these one are nice

my favorite of the day
the water creek is very low 
this one had survive 1 on 49

hosta always there and looking good
forget me not so cute usually blooming in the shad here hum!
glad to see the digitalis coming back leaping one year yeah they are back
my lilac finally will give me more then 1 flower yeah affter what 3 years of stubborness

ok here need to clean up those dandelions

so cute these ones
love that one too
auilegeria leafs

why do i always rush when its garden time 
i have to do the laundry the dinner gournd the spices for indian curry
take more pictures fo the flowers 
too much 

will translate in french later 

coté court coté jardin 

P.S. Time to call your Italian friend for their recipe on danderlions leafs salad lots of them around organic too

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