Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Mon jardin au Quebec garden septembre 2020

Hi guys J espere que vous tenez bon.
Je travaille beaucoup et je n ai que 2 jours à la maison
Oui, je vais à Londres et je reste 2 jours et je reviens beaucoup de jet lag...
beaucoup d'ouvrage à rattrapper  mais
Pas beaucoup de monde dans l'avion....
L'avenir incertain ne me donne pas le goût de rien.

J'ai fermer le potager hier. 
La récolte des piments et de tomates la semaine derniàre et cette semaine les zucchinis.
Succés fou sauf pour mes céleris aucun m'a donné le résultat escompté.
Zéro, je garderai quand même petiteš tiges pour de la soupe. 
Comme vs pouvez voir cette année avec la canicule, le potager,  le trottoir ont prit tout mon temps et les fleurs ont poussées sans moi .

La semaine prochaine, je suis en vacances et j'enleverai la mauvaise herbe et je couperai le gazon.

J'ai deja commencé à râcler ce n'est pas bon signe.
 Les feuilles commencent à peine à changer de couleur.
Dommage j'en avais 3 
Rosier deuxieme floraison
Phlox pas de mildou cette année surprenant trop sec canicule
Liatris sans chimique ...le résultat n est jamais exceptionnel mais quand même accompagnent très bien les phlox et les roses 
Hydrange donne encore un spectacle
Monarde encore une petite dernière

Récolte époustouflante de zucchinis

Malgré que je les avais planté uniquement pour manger les fleurs...jai quand même eu des zucchinis en masse!

Sunday, August 9, 2020


     traduirai un jour........................                                                                                     ...................................................MON JARDIN AU QUEBEC GARDEN                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Hi guys so sorry was very busy getting the stuff down and get the stock to finish off my side walk          I wanted to keep track of my work with pictures not counting the time unfortunately I wanted to do the bottom of the balcony french drain and all and then I went over my head with that too much to do it made me sick well I was still sick perhaps this is why the wall need to be fix the balcony redone name it too much so when one day someone wants to work for me they can finish it properly meanwhile this summer I did the path in the wood planted trees in the mountain di the flower bed on the side of the house another catastrophic desigh of mine how to do flower bend in a hilly side horrible Iat the beginning it look good but when it was time to do the watering everything went down the hll and the plants were dry dying for water only a few survivor I lost all the lettuce that was there and more So After that i did the veggie garden fill up the dirt remove the weed weed weed i am fed with weed i will put the entire place wth ciment and put flower pots all over so the design of my veggie garden is unusual and it was quite demanding the watering this summer we all know that and the side walk as I told you it took for ever to choose the right slab but after a news everywhere I ended up with another model beige tone but the bigger the heavier what was I thinking it cost a lot of money but it cover a lot more right so heavy one is good 21 is heavy but that's not all the measuring the leveling horrible  so much to do what was I thinking i would have been better off finishing the under of the balcony same amount of work but I was tires of shoveling rocks do you know how hard it is man I feel like Jerry Lewis in one of his movie where his arms ar longer then his legs atouch atouch atcouh so i took 3 pieces for tye trial worse come to worse i put them in the garden somewhere and let it sink in I went to work back and forth meanwhile it rain the ide walk pack solid itself it was time to finish it so i went 2 times to the stores to get some slab and some rock dust man 33 kg 66 pounds this was the worse of it all to lift up those bags man so heavy i kind of order some of the material and miss it out but 2 bags but if i want to do a great job I need more bags of it but this can wait oh yes I'm not feeling my arm only my fingers at this moment and i am sitting what a joy you put the dust level it all then grab this heavy slab and put it on your legs when you lift it again this time to bring it down slowly to be perfectly aligne man this is too mocuh work too heavy and of course when you screw up you have to take it back shit some of the slab oare not quite leveled either and you need to choose the nice one so much time consuming and after a while I realize the beam on the ground needed to be pushed far away to have the same measurement in between the problem is I aligne it with the house beam but they were not made in a straight line either carramba ! o shovel some more rocks and continue on it started to rain oh now more pressure but you can not hurried u^it takes time so hopefully, in the end, I'm satisfied not quite I rant out of dust rock bag shit                     If I can finish it to my liking I will put some huge water-rock on each side and a nice line of sedum all the way down sedum spectabile sparkling pink it will keep their round shape and it will look pretty when the garden is over in fall. 


                                project veggie garden                    

not good and when I walk with the dog and the chain it always get cut in the slab that keeps on moving bad bad bad I tried the end