ATTENDRE PLEINE LUNE ATTENDRE LA PLEINE LUNE rose ET LA FÊTE VICTORIA On annonce de la neige qu'est-ce qu'on fait avec les plantes qui sont dejà à moitié poussées? On se croise les doigts on met des couverture, du foin mais moi, je me croise les doigts. Je suis sortie me couper une branche de Forsythia pour égayer mes journées de quarantaine et j'ai ramassé la seule e t unique jonquille ouverte. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................Wait for the full moon and Victoria day we are expecting some snow what do we do with plants that are half grown up? You cross your fingers, you can put a blanket on top of them, some hay but I just cross my fingers. I went out to cut myself a branch of Forsythia and picked up the only daffodils that was open; hope for the best !
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Monday, April 19, 2021
Thursday, April 15, 2021
Mon Jardin au Quebec garden I was really busy trying to send 3 Puppy Starlett stories to a publisher, flying and all. I have been home doing this now. Today seems to be a nice day will go. I hurt myself at work, I have epicondylitis and pine Lenoir on both feet just want to lay down on the couch or do nothing. Yesterday, I started to get back in shape but everything you do in the garden needs your elbow or you to stand on your feet. Painful, painful, painful, so this is why the job takes forever to do. I brought in pretty much the garden stuff, now, I need to finish that side walk of mine but I guess, it will have to wait, not only I'm in pain but my wallet took a turn for the worse like you too, I'm sure. The pay check for 1 month with no work made it worse. Like the rest of my life, always catching up is no good. Luckily for me, I have a garden to look at but for the house repair, it will have to wait again and again and again what can I say! You work to pay the fucking taxes and now our government is giving money to lazy people to stay home, yes, some are unfortunate to have lost their jobs but giving out money unjustified money for me as no sense made them work at building a senior house or something whatever! So today is a lovely day, I am about to go out after my housework and cut the grass but my elbows will take a burden ....but I will be out to look at my garden. For those who wonder about the bag
for those who wonder about those bags of seeds seed that you buy and are supposed to have a field of flowers, well, I did not have a field of flowers, all I had was horrible vign plants that grab your legs when you walk or little pic pic dont know the name in English that stuck on your dogs fur terrible I do not recommend it for the Laurentian organic field. however, this fall, I do have some lovely little blue flowers so I will keep those one but for the rest it's crap so will be back to correct and post some picMon jardin au Quebec garden 2021
MON JARDIN AU QUEBEC GARDEN 2021 Seeds- Inside plant- forcing a tulip bulb- flower box-budget
Bonjour à vous tous! Vite dépechez-vous à choisir vos graines de semences pour votre potager et vos belles fleurs la pandémie a fait de nouveaux et nombreux adeptes. En attendant, forcez-vous des bulbes de tulipes...cela égayera votre petite maison. Moi, je suis chanceuse, ma soeur m'avait donné des amaryllis pour Noel et elles sont encore en fleurs. J'espère que la vie ne vous décourage pas trop avec cette pandémie. Un jour à la fois. J'ai toujours des problemes d'ordinateur et aujourd'hui j'avais besoin de vous écrire mais ça va pas bien les touches ne fonctionnent pas toutes. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Hello everyone! Hurry up! to pick up your seeds for your veggy garden or for yor beautiful flowers. I'm no expert in seeds, I leave it to my mom and my sister but because of pandemic there are a lot more gardeners... so make sure you have your seeds. Meanwhile, you can force a tulip bulb or two to make it nice and bright in your house or a branch of forsythia apple tree. I am actually lucky, my sister give me Amaryllis bulb at Christmas and it still blooming. I hope life doesnt discourage you too much. One day at a time. I still have problem with my computer and today, I had the need to write but it doesnt work much nothing work...on this key board. ......................................................................................................................................... Aujourd'hui j'entendais du bruit dehors et comme mon chien a des problèmes avec une patte on est resté dans la maison puis j'ai aperçu le désastre. Le voisin a décidé d'embaucher des émondeurs qui ont tout saccagés les arbres. Ils en profitent. Les hotels de villes sont fermés et personnes pour les superviser même chose avec les bûcherons qui coupent du bois la fin de semaine. J'avais un beau pommier au bout de terrain qui fait la limite de mon terrain malheureusement ils sont venus l'abattre d'un coté et l'ont complètement défiguré. Il était si beau au printemps avec toutes ses belles fleurs blanches on tournait le coin de la rue et on était ébloui par sa splendeur. Je pleurais de le voir ainsi. Ils ont tout laissé les branches sur mon terrain partout à la grandeur les cochons. J'ai appelé la ville de St Sauveur mais la pauvre secrétaire ne pouvait pas faire grand chose. Et oui, la campagne ... vient avec son lot de fumier. ........................................................................................................................................................................Today I could hear some noise outside and since my dog have problem with one of her leg we have to stay home and then I saw: the disaster. The neighbour hired some people to cut tree branches They really take advantage of city hall being close so no one can supervise or watch what they are doing same thing with the lumber jack who are cutting trees during the week end. Well, I had a beautiful apple tree at the end of the land that was at the limit of the land unfortunately they came to cut on one part the branches that completely destroy the shape of the tree just for the fun of it. Assle! Now it is completely disfigure...So sad, it was so nice when you arrive from work to turn the corner street to see him with all its splendar all in bloom at spring time. I was crying the other day, when I saw this. They left all the branches big branches all over my side of the land like pigs, branches all over that they throw in the ditch. Pick your shit assles! I called the city hall in St Sauveur but the poor secretary could not do much. Yes we are in the countryside but country comes with its load of manure! ................................................................................................................................................................. Les arbres n'empechaient aucunement les voitures de circuler encore moins le beau pommier. C'est comme les nouveaux voisins, ils ont le droit de déffricher leur terrain pendant que moi, il m'oblige à planter des arbres dans ma foret; je n'y comprend plus rien . Là, ça l'air d'un autoroute et qui a l'air d' avoir fait un stationnement de ski doo et de quatre roues. Moi qui croyais... moi qui avait toujours espoir de voir la lueur au bout du tunnel pour ma retraite; quel horreur. Bref, j'ai coupé mes amaryllis pour les mettre sur ma table de cuisine....pour me remonter le moral. .....................................................................................................................................................................The branches of the trees didn't stop the people from driving by and certainly not this beautiful apple tree.It' s like the new neighbours, they have the right to decipher their land while the city hall dare to ask me to plant some trees in my forest. I dont understand. Now, it looks like a highway. A parking for ski doo and 4x4. I was so hoping for a better retirement, I was really hoping to see the ligh at the end of the tunnel. Horrific site now. Well, I cut my amaryllis to put them on the kitchen table near me. ... to cheer me up. Alors en confinement quoi de mieux que de prendre soin de ces plantes et de semer quelques graines sinon si vous avez le moral à plat garder au moins les graines de vos légumes...Mais ne tardez pas trop. J'ai vu chez Provigo qu'il y avait encore des graines. Sinon un conseil garder la fin de votre chou et planter le dans la terre, les échalottes, le céleri...des fois ça fonctionne des fois non mais ça en vaut la peine d'essayer. Et si on parlait de ces jolies boîtes à fleurs. Vous pourriez peut être en construire si ça vous en dit. Assurez-vous qu'elles soient très larges. .............................................................................................................. So confinement is a great time to take care of your inside plant and plant some seeds if not if your moral is down keep your seeds from the veggies you eat...but dont delay, I saw at Provigo they still have some seeds if not keep the last part of your cabbage, challots, celery carrots and plant them in some dirt, sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt but its worth trying. And what about flower boxes You could start building some but make sure they are large enough very large and have little hole. .............................................................................................................................. Incroyable je croyais avoir beaucoup de temps en étant à la maison avec mon chien mais je viens juste de m'asseoir. La pauvre a eu une amputation d'un de ses ongles et doit porter un colier Elisabethain c'est horrible tout simplement horrible. .................................................... Strange enough I am at home with my dog hoping to have time to get around the house get down and write and after so many days I just sat down... My poor dog had to have one nail off. She has to wear an Elisabetharn collar .Its just simply horrible.......................................................................................................................... Budget budget budget