Thursday, July 4, 2019


                                             MON JARDIN AU QUEBEC GARDEN
JULY THE 4 TH 2019

                                                    no compost no chemical no fertilizer
                                                       gardening with love and the rain

My story
Shitty life of mine, If you are not interested stroll down to look at the garden.

Considering what I am going thru I think it's not bad
over 85 days without any access to a public road.
A desperate need for a road therefore the moral is not very high. It's only when I see a flower, my dog or my cat that I have still the power to smile.


On this street, in this province, in this country: Nobody gives a fuck.

WHn Indian make a barrier you hear about it but when rich people do a barrier no a fucking hole in fornt of your street and take you hostage you dont hear about it.

Imagine, on the 24 Th of June because it was Quebec's big holiday, they came out to work their private road and fix it but they made sure not to connect my private road to theirs by not putting back the ponceau to fix the ditch so I can drive on their private road.

I have been here 15 years and since 2 years ago because of the flood now it has been worst then hell.
Not only I had to live next to a psychopath but now with a bunch of power assle.
I never asked them anything or did I bother them with something never, never, never, I go home and garden and the rest of the time I'm out to work.

What is wrong with people?
They destroy so much shit on video games that they think they can do the same in real life. Mother fuckers!
And of course, they don't want me to park my car in front of my very own land because it's their road
so I have to park away from my house, therefore I can not buy new plants or flowers or even a brouette.

Brouette: wheelbarrow
$100.00 for a wheelbarrow
Are you nuts!

Unfortunately the other assle, the psychopath, left with my wheelbarrow put a knife into my extension cord 3x 100 feet that I use for my lawnmower, he destroyed my BBQ and kicked my balcony with a big tool to unstable it. I found his big heavy hammer in the bush.  He kicked it so bad that now I had to redo the balcony on one side.
Not enough problem my jeep let me down.
I went to the flea market with my sister to find a
guess what?
On our return problem with the throttle
brought it to the garage
$600.00 later.
A couple of weeks go by and
guess what?
When I went to pick up the visit from Brazil at the airport the same problem happened again.
They didn't change the piece bunch of hassles!
JEEP dealer pretended they fix the part and charge me $600.00
So not much money to buy flowers this year.
Worst, I was unable to download pictures of my gardens or my trips I had too many of them.
I had to take another plan with google right if you can reach them it will take you a month.
FAMILY visit
no time to garden.
Hoping to get inspired and to cheer me up
so I can have the power to garden again and leave my problems behind.
So how am I?  should one ask.
Not very well.
I don't think so
Very stress
and I'm on vacation!
I spend days and days to call the lawyer

Let's get to my beautiful babies
my flowers

but here it goes some evolution of my garden very late for everything.


This is actually my mom's rhododendron mine was so so.
This year our expectation in the garden in Quebec is very low if we get something we are happy. There was so much damage in the gardens, too many cold days -40 C and a lot of snow 
braking a lot of branches.
It was devastating at the beginning nothing to look forward to gardening but 
as the days go by we enjoy and appreciate the lovely garden one more time 
I have Paeonia in July very strange.
I think the birds help me to go back to this forgotten garden.
When I hear them in the morning I want to go out have to breakfast outside
and then I go on to walk with the dog and start removing a weed at a time

This is therapy at its best.

Imagine, I couldn't come out anymore besides being harass by the neighbor every single day I was outside. Or it was him, his Doberman or his cacophonic music.
To leave in fear in Canada is awful,
No justice at all.
to see that the police were always on his side
always saying just move madame Sell your house go and leave somewhere else was even worse to hear.
I spend 15 years of my life here taking care of those flowers this land how could I leave?

                                                                   MY GARDEN

Perfect for the springtime that was late to come here
Please do not look at the grass at this moment. 

blurry pic sorry
Aquilegia so pretty

aquilegia and Hostas always at the rendez-vous 

centaurea des montagnes

wild phlox 
I must have picked them up to put them somewhere else and forgotten the batch and guess what they grow at the wrong place but will plant them somewhere else eventually

yes irises

I love to mix blue and purple 

At the beginning, I let this plant grow and then when I am sure of what is around I remove it 

persicaria wonderful
and perfect to plant divide as well
but it gets really big so when it does you split it 
this is a  good alternative if you can not afford bush or trees it will get as big as a bush or a tree

ah my beautiful Paeonia
love it 

dam no brouette

salix japonica

my 8 thuyas are kaput 
they all turn brown 
they were planted there by me and my mom 
to protect the house for the winter winds
and now 
they are horrible to look at 
so what I did is on the other side facing the house I took the roses and let them go on the thuyas and cover them with roses 
I wanted to put Clematite climber as well and Spanish beans but can not go to the store no car

but it's coming. The idea is there and I won't have to remove those 8 thuyas 

very essential 
no chemical no compost no nothing so you can have beautiful bees flying in your garden 

so much weed picking to do

love to see them from above

she is so pretty in front of those Salix Japonica


barbe de bouc tellement belle cette année

Some people say it's invasive but it never moves much from where it is now. Well, it got bigger but it's perfect! 

persicaria polymorpha 

fleece flower

barbe de bouc et persicaria 

They are both very pretty 
The sadness is barbe de bouc is prettier but doesn't last as long as persicaria who actually last all summer.
When you divide it, it will come back to be a star the next following year but it's worth it. 

2 colors

phlox sauvage
wild phlox
these come early June till July the others August


Salvia stinks so much but it is pretty and solid. Always have a good shape 

salix japonica

In the forest I planted 20 maple trees around the creek apparently I don't have enough trees in the forest according to the city hall... 

Just ridiculous. She came in April to see my place 2 years ago
I mean nothing grows here before late May

I definitely move to the wrong city


                                                                   Sorry blurry picture
Forget me not
I have a lot this year probably the bird's job.

alive yes

prunus he had a hard time this year not many leafs 


now as much as I was in love with the others this kind this is just amazing I got it at my sister city hall it's so pretty and the flowers are bigger and it can have 6 to 8 flowers just beautiful 
and the little petal it looks like a tooth fairy 


butterfly can not find the name for it 

funny mushroom

I received for my birthday beautiful red cushions to put on my chair 
How comfortable is that and what a great view of my garden
Now that I can sit outside again it's wonderful 

isn't it beautiful to see these trees in the morning when I walk my dog and then you say to yourself you planted those trees?
Even better I can walk my dog again. Free at last.  
I planted 2 little ones at the end so it has the effect of going down but then we had the heat waves it was difficult for them. However, they looked like they have survived it's not like a flower they are a little stronger will see. And because I could not dump a truckload of ricks to fix my road from winter damage now it's getting really bad because of them

weed weed weed
next time
full cement
all I do is remove weed here weed there
its a bit annoying my place is big for one person to take care and since I have my ups and down because of those mean people well I am not always there to take care of the place.

it stink

I did have 2 more but because of the flood in 2017 it flooded and took them away



Starlett use to go up and down the creek and up the hill didn't do much here but now I will plant trees hemerocallis iris....but can not get out of the house. Everything is behind schedule
but guess what?
I'm out of my house.

Something I could not do last year because of the psychopath and the year before that
so I am happy in the sense that the road is blocked he can not come here and annoy me and my dog. We have the time to recuperate she is less stressful.
I can not believe I am outside!

we don't see it much but its there the maple tree

I can not wait to see it  turn red 

When you sit here in the shad and you watch the garden it's awesome. 
the only thing I didn't plant is that Digitalis who usually come back every two years but here they don't ask me why but they fill up the space so good I miss not having to look at them. 

not sure here if its a Chesnut 

 she loves to stay there under the lilac

It came into the garden many years ago it was not at the right place move the second one and it died and decided to live it there 
wonder if it will ever get big
this is more an experiment 

2 salix Japonica nouveau tout petit see they are small 

where is my dog? 
she loves to hide under the tree
need to cut the grass but its way too hot


these are the big allium and this year they came out like this strange 

                                              So pretty but the picture doesn't give them justice

Tradescantia and barbe de bouc 

So you see the creek, well, the assle in front of my house block the creek and now instead of going straight it turns to the left and one of my path is completely submerge and now the water is not moving in that area causing the spread of fucking mosquitos 

sorry but it was another specimen 


all around my neighborhood,  it grows in the wild, I have one and will only have one 
It was pink before and now it turns out purple because of the Centaurea or the Baptiste god knows made it change color. To be follow....

Malva love to see those flowers but 
dont like that they are out of shape 
They are good not in a flower bed but in a field. 

Need a small cutter for the grass on the slate. I hate it when it's like this but I am tired of doing it 

it was perfect for my birthday from the 18 to the 28 I must say now its in dormant 
I don't have much. 
Lost a lot of Lilium 
can not seem to see them 
the roses are taking forever to boom 
delphinium imagine they are not out 
so it's sad to see a green patch now there are some blues but its drab at this moment
Yes I don't have Paeonia on this side of the garden 
This is what's missing here  but the ground, the dirt is so awful here, its so hard wonder if they could survive here. 
to be follow

some of the irises did not bloom Those ones I got them with my sister. 

En date du 04-07-2019

Les pivoines sont au maximum ou presque 

                                                   This faces my row of Salix Japonica

This year I dont know what happened with one of my Hydrangea
It decided to spread instead of growing up
what a mess!
I need to wait before I go in this flower bed to see what exactly I'm facing with
meanwhile,  I admired these beautiful ladies here: Paeonia

This morning, I was cutting the grass and then I got cut by the rainstorm and thunder 
I wonder when I get out if all my Paeonia will be intact. 

hope it gives you a bit of an up date of the Quebec gardening season 

Coté court coté jardin

By the way, I have found the name of this beautiful specimen and will be looking forward to go find it it's a plant that I see all the time when I go to Gaspesie and didn't know the name it looks like from far away salicaire but it's not someone this morning posted it

                                              EPILOBIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM

                                                         HOPE I FIND IT

Imagine all ready July the 4th 2019

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