MON JARDIN AU QUEBEC GARDEN Always in a rush sorry will correct and translate another day. WARNING; heatwave again no grass cutting no planting unless its seeds or it's been dying in a pot like my plants... I Again work with the sidewalk and under the balcony, I'm good at nothing dont expect me to do miracle I dont find anyone to work and I Dont have money to hire them either so I will try my best make it look good and afterward I will work with the part under the balcony. Here you dont have anyone who wants to work for a few bucks if the project is not over $5,000 they dont want it they dont even bother calling back. So much work to do and I am not an expert I plant flowers I'm not good at anything else and again I dont even have enough water to water them... Early morning all morning I give it all my best to make it clean better than weed right. And at the end of the day, I will go see my beautiful flowers.
This white tree that I bought in Gaspesie and I tried it home is full of beautiful flowers that smell jasmine I put it under some trees so it was not destroyed by the cold and all but did not think it will get that big.
they are still very pretty these roses and smelly
so the idea is to see all around the veggie garden roses and hydrangeas it will look great to my eyes
not bad its the best I can do I will put some small rocks when my jeep is out of the garage and finish both part of the side walk and on the left I will put cedar mulch and eatable flowers
my helper supervisor tester No need to say Im in pain. My elbows with all that rocks I had to carry. my elbows are so ^painful now and my feet oh my god and the heat is back man no air conditioning difficult but happy to see it look like a sidewalk need the finishing touch another day. tomorrow I'm just watering the plants and try to plant the plants before they die. watch out people this is the third heatwave we are facing now take care of you and water those beautiful plants of yours
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