will post more pictures tomorrow
I did see it on riviere a simon street, Mont-Gabriel area, Piedmont, Ste-Anne-des-lacs now its every where its about 1 miles from my beautiful gardne that will be destroy by it.
Unbelievable. its all over now destroying beautiful landscape but mostly crops
food that ou wont eat because this plant will have made its destruction.
No food for you people if oyu dont wake up!
You will have been warn.
oh well
apparently its just so common nobody care
so Botanical gardens in MOntreal and Paris dont bother calling me back
Went to the Botanist at Lorrain in Prevost and he told me:
its cute and give me the name
Everywhere I search, everything seem to be normal however this being said
I do observe a lot of nature and this is too many too much
they even say its good for the crop
you decide what to think of it but I still think its a nuisance and it will destroy crops and your garden
To each is own opinion you will be warn if things go worst
so have an eye on it ok
this is why we have blogs
Alert all of your garderner friends and farmers
11 aout 2013
It seems one week had pass and still no knews from jardin botanique de Montréal regarding this flower who is destroying everything on her passage.
Its worst than salicaire at least the salicaire was good for something this plant we dont know...all we know its all over now and will take over your crop, your garden and soon there wont be anything growing in Quebec because of this plant. Trust me go outside and go around your area and spot it.
Ca fait une semaine que j ai demandé au jardin botanique de me nommer cette plante et personne ma répondu. Cette plante est pire que la salicaire au moins la salicaire on s en servait pour quelque chose mais cette plante d ont j ignore le nom envahi notre environnment à une vitesse fulgurante et ravagera toutes vos récoltes et nos beaux jardins. Allez-y sortez dehors et voyez par vous meme.
I will write this post in english to reach as many people as p.
A few years ago, 1 or 2, i saw a Television documentary in Europe regarding a spicie of plant that
was destroying gardens and crops
WHERE ARE THE ENVIRONMENTALIsts when you need them.
What are they doing sitting at a desk.
What are the government employee doing
What are they doing sitting at their desk
Obviously , the answer is
I have been watching this plant all summer but did not have the time to take a picture to write about it or ask the city to do something about it because i had a very bad july month and enough problem of my own.
But now this plant is at the door steps of my mom s garden soon to be destroy by this killer plant.
If you see this plant
Destroy all the way to the root
Beware of having any pollen on you or seeds
Call your city hall.
Do something before you loose everything
Call the farmers near by and tell them,
they will loose all their crop.
Here is a picture of the plant
Unfortunately i dont know the name yet
You can see them all over the autoroute now
Invading our province, our country
Killing our harvest
Our food
Ok alertez vos amis jardiniers et agriculteurs
Cette plante envahissante ravage notre territoire, notre province, nos s nos jardins , nos récoltes
1 an . Jardins 2 ans de ca deja jaivu un documentaire en europe sur cette plante qui tuait toute les recoltes elle envahie et elimine tout sur son passage,
En qq mois d observation cette plante est maintenant partie de laval et est rendue a ste adele 2 Mois elle a parcourue tout ce territoire.
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