Friday, June 10, 2016


   JOUR 11

                                      ITS A SUNNY DAY TODAY GET OUT THERE

TODAY finally after a week of rain to 8 degres we are having a beautiful day in the garden
plants are holding on to this bizarre weather let me tell you never saw so cold in June really
So today
went back on

  • cutting the edges of the flower bed
  • replanting plants 
  • repetition repetition repetition 
  • cutting little extra branches at the bottom of the trees ( I like it nice and clean at the bottom)

                                               GARDENING SUNNY DAY
                                         LIFE IS GOOD IN THE GARDEN

  • doing the cutting around the flower bed to make it look clean and neat

  • replanting plants ended up moving plants around 3 big hostas and a forsythia that was sold to me in a batch of 3 where only 1 good one was in the proper zone when you dont know you dont know . After 10 years, I moved him around for 2 years still was not doing anything good. Today was the day :remove him for good and give it to my mom where its a bit warmer.

  • repetition repetition; You do it with what you have: hostas.
          cutting little branches ( salix japonica are so big now need a hair cut, forsythia the one and only           one that flourish need a trim now and soon the lilac not yet. 

find a nice little tree so I replanted him somewhere good to be seen by all (chene oak tree)
not too many in my region I probably have 5 total on 1 acre land so when I have a chance to spot them I make sure they will be seen. love the shape of the leaf and they grow so fast too.
N.B never close to a house never never never



TODAY finally after a week of rain to 8 degres we are having a beautiful day in the garden
plants are holding on to this bizarre weather let me tell you never saw so cold in June really
So today
went back on

  • cutting the edges of the flower bed
  • replanting plants 
  • repetition repetition repetition 
  • cutting little extra branches at the bottom of the trees ( I like it nice and clean at the bottom)

                                               GARDENING SUNNY DAY
                                         LIFE IS GOOD IN THE GARDEN

  • doing the cutting around the flower bed to make it look clean and neat

  • replanting plants ended up moving plants around 3 big hostas and a forsythia that was sold to me in a batch of 3 where only 1 good one was in the proper zone when you dont know you dont know . After 10 years, I moved him around for 2 years still was not doing anything good. Today was the day :remove him for good and give it to my mom where its a bit warmer.

  • repetition repetition; You do it with what you have: hostas.
          cutting little branches ( salix japonica are so big now need a hair cut, forsythia the one and only           one that flourish need a trim now and soon the lilac not yet. 

find a nice little tree so I replanted him somewhere good to be seen by all (chene oak tree)
not too many in my region I probably have 5 total on 1 acre land so when I have a chance to spot them I make sure they will be seen. love the shape of the leaf and they grow so fast too.
N.B never close to a house never never never



j ai trouvé un joli petit arbre  et je l ai replanté quelque part de bien pour qu on le voit bien ( chene)
il n y en a pas beaucoup ou nous sommes sur un acre de terrain j en ai peut etre 5 alors quand j ia la chance d en voir un je m assure qu il est a la bonne place j adore ces feuilles et il pousse vite mais noubliez surtout pas tres loin de la maison


             J ai eu la chance d essayer mon hamac apres totu cet ouvrage je dois retourner travailler
je suis allee chez ma soeur pour voir son jardin . Le jardin est tout fleuri. Elle fait face au sud alors en avant de sa demeure les marguerites les iris sont tout ouverts. Elle est proche de la riviere egalement ce qui lui donne un petit climat doux plus doux que chez moi

how lovely

j adore les iris les miens ont disparu...
I adore irises but mine had disappeared

la couleur est magnifique
its a magnific color

superbe elle s est fait un joli coin

superb she did a nice little area in the garden
regardez moi cette taille d hosta je sais que ma soeur éait jalouse des miens mais voila qu elle a déniché la perle rare
i know my sister was jealous of my hostas but look at what she got  the rare one what a beauty

astilboid big mama

beside pulmonaires


astilboid mama
a coté des pulmonaires

nice big plant for the shade here and partly sun
belle grosse plante pour l ombre et partiellement ensoleillé
summum hostas love it 


summum hosta on adore
beau jardin anglais de ma soeur
summum hostas
beautiful english garden of my sister

tea anyone ? Look at this one marvellous!

Désirez vous une tasse de thé ? Regardez moi celui -la

Cest super d en avoir beaucoup répétition répétition

its great to have a lot of them for repetition 
look at the size!
regardez moi cette grosseur

the bush is starting to bloom
l arbuste commence a fleurir

you can always count on him straight no bug always stunning when its ful bloom
on peut toujours compter sur cet arbuste Baptiste

when you have a small place you are bless with loads of flowers
You know when its a big land its seem you have nothing but when you go corner by corner in your garden its beautiful dont give up gardening is good for the heart and soul!
quand vous avez un petit espac a jardiner vous etes beni par une abondance de fleurs
et bien sur uand vous avez un enorme jardin on dirait que vous avez jamaais assez de fleurs mais ne vous decouragez pas quand vous visiter votre jardin de plate bande a plate bande vous verrez que c est tres joli ne vous decouragez pas jardiner c est tellement bon pour vous! 

coté court coté jardin

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