will fix the blog later got to go in the garden maybe later I will put some video if time permit .....desolée je dois fixer mon blog mais la je dois courir au jardin je mettrai une video si le temps le permet.
INSPIRATION FRANÇAISE DES JARDINS DE BAGATELLE MAIS D ABORD UNE PETITE MISE À JOUR DE CE QUI SE PASSE DANS MON JARDIN POUR ENSUITE APPRÉCIER CE BEAU JARDIN ET VOUS INSPIRER. ...........................French Inspiration of the Bagatelle garden in Paris but first just a little update of what is going on in my garden so you can appreciate this upcoming garden and be inspired by it.
Je vous invite à aller voir ma page Facebook si vous avez un compte facebook avec une photo de vous vous pouvez visiter mon site.......................................................................... I invite you to go see my page Facebook if you have an account with a picture of yourself you can visit it and be part of my page Facebook and see the beautiful garden of Bagatelle that I went to visit for inspiration.
2 of the best rose garden I have ever seen after ST- John's wood Queens rose garden ...... Drole de temperature trop de chaleur et ensuite super froid. A ce temps -ci de l'annéee trop de chaleur pour les pivoines Elles ne pourront pas développer un gros boutons. Ce sera la meme chose pour les roses. La marmotte a mangé mon beau lupin. merde ! .............................................................................Very strange temperature too much heat and then cold ...At this time of the year, too much heat for the Paeonia none of the buds are big they are so tiny very strange...same for the roses The groundhog ate my beautiful humungous Lupinus oh gee!
This weekend we celebrated 2 things in the back garden. We were all vaccinated. A couple of my dearest friends my sister and my mom got together. We all survived covid we were all double vaccinated and it was my birthday. So I set up the tables outside. 3 separate tables in the back garden to admire the flowers and we had a beautiful brunch it was magic. During the pandemic, I was used to going in and out of the house around the world because of my job as a flight attendant but for my mom, it was her first real time out with people and for my friends also. We didn't see each other since July last year at my mom's birthday it was still all right to meet in a distance outside so I had put the tables in the parking lot but this time we were in the beautiful garden...
Life is so precious we celebrate with champagne and flowers...If time permits I will download my visit here but I find it faster on facebook downloading now one by one the picture is no more fun it used to be fun to use blogger and share my work on the web so we can compare stats from other years but ....too much time-consuming. It is sad indeed.
This morning I collected lots of buckets of water from the rain...there is so little water in the creek.
The rain stop
got to go out I got to go and fill up the hole the groundhog did with more flowers it's the perfect time to dig in and make my flower beds the land is very wet.
Ok, I finally decided to go outside to dig in the clay to put some flowers because it's all wet and easy to dig but after 10 hemerocallis Lysimachia Centaurea .......ad then more rain showers and so many mosquitoes humidity no fun time to clean the house....and the dog with all that mud....but its the only time you get to have plants in that location otherwise you can not dig in at all it's too hard.
.......Ma visite au jardin de Bagatelle pour une inspiration française. Je vais à Paris depuis 1992 et je ne suis jamais allée visiter ce magnifique jardin c'est pour vous dire que nos interets changent au cour des ans. C'était tellement spectaculaire que je veux partager ce jardin avec vous. ............... ...........................................My visit to Bagatelle French Inspiration.
roses are coming out and will cover these ugly thuyas eventually maybe in 3 years from now....................Les roses s'en viennent et cacheront mes pauvres tuyas super laids qui peut etre reprendront d ici 3 and...qui sait
I have been going to Paris since 1992 I have never been here can you imagine how our interests changed over the years...
FOLIE DU COTE D ARTOIS construct in 64 hours
Centuries of gardening
J' adore les iris au Canada je ne sais pas pourquoi on arrive pas à trouver des beaux iris des barbus ou comme ceux la.
On pourrait s'asseoir des heures à dessiner et a écouter l'eau ruisseler.
Centuries of gardening
You always need a bench in a garden to admire the plants at your own pace and to contemplate the beautiful art worship of fellows gardeners
le mélange de couleurs et de fleurs roses et des clématites
J' adore les iris au Canada je ne sais pas pourquoi on arrive pas à trouver des beaux iris des barbus ou comme ceux la.
On pourrait s'asseoir des heures à dessiner et a écouter l'eau ruisseler.
OUTSIDE NO ONE WAS AROUND. YOU ALMOST, no, I am fortunate to go around and see this and smell the beautiful roses some of my colleagues can no longer work they have lost their sense of smell and since they can not smell they have to be grounded in case a fire could occur onboard an aircraft or someone light up a cigarette they still do try to smoke on board.
So I am very happy I can still smell the roses.
Covid has this downside, unfortunately, but with all the terrible work on board, I am fortunate, I got to visit this beautiful garden with hardly anyone around...
I went on the 17 of June. One week earlier would be better but even at this time it was spectacular put this on your agenda.
I did not have time to see it all and it was 38 Celsius without the humidex factor... too hot....There are statues and Paeonia to see as well.
I will definitely come back and get an Uber application to take a cab and call one to pick me up.
This was the downside of it. but the big deal it's 2 euros 50 centimes to go in...
This summer up I will post pictures of
les jardins de Majorelle. Marraketch et les jardins du Caire if I push my luck all the way there Coté court coté jardin A plus!
If you look at it with the web version on the side or at the bottom you can pick any articles I wrote for much more inspiration for your gardening time!
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