very nice echinacea
i like the dark stemp
jaime la tig efoncé de cette sorte
ceux si sont jumbos cette année
there are jumbos this years
orange they are not as impressive as the other kind but i did pick them for th ecolour
pas aussi impressionnante que les autres mais je les avais choisie pour leur couleur
on adore et en plus se resement tres bien mais il faut aboslument les encercler
i love them et they are easy to multiply but you absolutly need to put a round stand to hold them
i like the fact that they start orange too
jaime aussi le fait que la fleur commence orange ce qui me fait comme 2 sortes de fleurs
celles sont restée fleuries super longtemps mais malheureusement elles sont de petites tailles dommage.
thes one are still on flowers however they are on the small size unfortunately.
in a few years i will put them in front of the one you just saw.
it will be perfect but they are new this year in 2 to 4 years i like to wait before i split them and i rarely do that too but this being said august is the month to do it . Do it on plants that have been in for over 2-3- years.
do it before the 15
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