Saturday, July 26, 2014

JOUR 45 MON JARDIN AU QUEBEC GARDEN - Video of my flowers

jour 45

sorry its very hard to do a video with a puppy on a leash im trying to go too fast.
Je suis désolée tres difficile de faire un video avec un chiot en laisse.

Remember everyone here we dont boost the flowers we just love them the way they are.
Tender loving care.
I dig rubbish each time I plant a flower.
I had water them for 10 years with the rain and the water from the creek.

Where the orange echinacea and red monarde this part is slowly building up no rush for this part.
the other flower bed the pink one phlox, echinacea, hydrangea...

too tired to think today english name french name
just watch

Qu'advienne que pourra

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