Friday, May 30, 2014

Jour #26 Arbustes - bushes

Est-ce que l'n coupe les arbres et les arbustes?

Selon le grand jardinier Lary Hodgson la réponse est: NON
Il y en a qui disent oui mais je dois dire la même chose que Monsieur Hodgson. Y-a-t-il quelqu'un qui coupe les arbres et les arbustes dans la foret alors?
Cela dit je regarde mon dorythia et mon hydrangea ils sont laids avec leur branches dénudées. Je ne toucherai pas l'hydrangé car je l avais deja fait et il n avait pas aimé ca du tout mais je vais quand même donner une taille a mon forsythia. J'ai déja fait ca avec les 2 autres forsythia et ils n'ont jamais fleuris vraiment sauf un que je n ai jamais taillé mais cette année celui la m a boudé il a fleurit juste d un coté va savoir qu'est- ce que les arbres ont dans leur tête ou dans leur racine!
Alors ma réponse pour cette année:
Je vais attendre que la floraison soit terminé et je vais  les trimmer un peu. Même chose avec le wiegela il a l air mort et laid mais tellement beau quand il fleuri.
Alors attendez un peu et vous focusserez sur autres chose


do we cut them or not?

According to this master of gardening Lary Hodgson the answer is NO

Some will say yes but I tend to agree with Mr. Hodgson.
No one is cutting the bushes in the forest right?
However this being said I look at my forsythia and my Hydrangea
They look ugly with their branches up in the air and nothing on it
I wont touch the hydrangea any more I have done it many years ago and got nothing
I did cut two forsythia as well e tnot much result there too so no  wonder I have nothing with those 2 and only one going and again. The one I didnt cut. But this year it was pittiful.

So my answer is for this year:

I will wait and trim it a little bit
Same with the wiegela it looks dead and ugly but oh so pretty when in bloom.
So wait some more and see your focus wont be as much as them as the other stuff blooming in your garden
I have a huge head from cutting the grass today pain next to my eyes
Got to deal with so many bugs outside and inside i have been having this jumbo bee for 2 days now
My sister came and supposely kill it before dinner last night well she was sure of it and at lunch time what did i hear
bzzz bzzzzzz bzzz

the fun of leaving in a log cabin anything can come in

so i am tired i will rest now

the dog look like a rescue dog form an earthquake so dirty i let her dry outside butthere is so mmany bugs its inhuman and she hates me when i try to bath her with warm water.
she has been playing in the creek all day digging and all.
i need a hose outside for sure but I am afraid i will find more problem with water and loose it all.


coté court coté jardin

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