Friday, May 23, 2014

Jour #11 tree planting plantation d'arbres

                                               Oh! I forgot to publish it I was so tired yesterday!

  • I finish up cutting the grass in the back.  
  • Than saved my hemerocallis from my dog. I made her a path to go down swimming 
  • Plant them away from my dog at the front of the land with irises and fern. 
  • Saved 3 hostas from dog dammage
  • Plant them up front in this kind of wild flower bed I m doing up front. A mixter of irises, hemerocaliss, ecchinacea, fern...( Im not sure but it looks like  I am missing one)

  • J'ai fini de couper le gazon en arriere
  • ensuite j'ai sauvé mes hémérocallis de mon chien. Je lui ai fait un sentier pour aller se baigner.
  • Je les ai  plantés en avant loin de mon chien avec les iris et la fougère.
  • sauvez 3 hostas de mon chien également.
  • Je les ai plantés en avant dnas ma plate bande suavage. Un melange d iris hémérocallis ecchinacea et fougere. C'est bizarre on dirait qu'Il m'en manque une.

  • And while I was at it, I decided to plant all the trees that will not survive while my dog go down the hill to the creek to play in the water. Difficult to stop a berger des maremmes mix with newfoudnland dog to play in the water and climb a hill so I give her a corridor in the middle of my plantation. 


  • Et comme j'y étais. J'ai décidé de planter des arbres qui ne survivront pas à la course folle de mon chien qui descend la pente pour aller se baigner. 
  • J'ai trouv. de petits érables 15 avec des racines et je les ai platnés a tous les poteaux que j'ai posé le long du chemin. Je préfere les avoir la de toute facon que de les avoir sur le terrain qui perdrent leur feuilles à l'Automne. 
  • Find some mini maple trees ( 15) with a few roots and went to plant them to every pole down my little road. Instead of cypres well maple tree will do. I rather have them near the road than on the garden where they leave all there leaves in the fall.  So will see who will survive at the end of the summer. 


  • I switch one of my xmas tree and planted it at the back of the flowers bed.
  • Divided some nice hémerocallis lemon color smell divine into 3 bunches. They are very tall very light very beautiful. 
  • Look at my lupinus some are big some are small.
  • watch a big surprise in the garden my sister and mom lilac has decided to bloom this year yeah we will finaly see some flowers. 
  • My narcissus  at the back like 25 of them were eaten by my ground hog this year. She must have been frustrated not to have a hole under the back door and decided to eat them all.
  • My dog dig a hole under a big tree at least its not in the garden. 


  • Remove some weeds from back to front this is an endless job. I turn around and there is another one. Will I really spend my entire summer doing this?

Coté court coté jardin!
À plus!

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